The Asian Art Museum is excited to invite you to travel with the Nexus Circle on a unique journey to India November 1 through November 11, 2023.

Our special itinerary includes a visit to the buzzing metropolitan city of Mumbai and its contemporary art scene, the Buddhist caves of Ajanta, rock cut sculptures of Ellora, Islamic art of the Deccan, the opulence of the Nizams of Hyderabad, and the fairy tale city of Udaipur renowned for its white marble palaces, miniature paintings and local art, and cultures. There will also be optional extension trips to Varanasi and the Taj Mahal in Agra.

Stay at beautiful hotels and palaces, dine like royals, and explore and wonder at the ineffable genius of builders and artists across centuries. Meet and be guided by local artists, gallery artists, museum curators, and art historians. Gain valuable insights and an overview of the social, cultural, and political conditions of the past and present through the medium of art.

As you explore the program page of this website you will discover just how special a journey has been planned for your enjoyment. As we expect this trip to fill quickly, we advise you to fill out the reservation form as soon as possible to insure your place.

We hope you decide to join us on this extraordinary travel opportunity.

With warm regards,

Michele Alioto

Martha Hertelendy

Nexus Committee Co-Chairs